EASY peasy
Project Facts
I worked on this project during my internship at wonderkind GmbH in Berlin. We were a team of 3 who planned and created this app.
The app uses the flashcard technique to teach the English language to children all around the world.
It released in march 2018 and received a very positiv response. I am very happy to have worked on this app, because I learned a lot about the whole process of making a (financially profitable) game. My ideas were part of the conceptual design and I helped with the artstyle. My biggest task was the implementation in Unity. I could always ask for help and advise but I implemented it by myself. In addition I made sure to refactor and improve my code during the project, so other people could work with it when I finished my internship.
Team members: Marie Günther, Huy Vu, Alexander Günther, also Tim Kiener and Marvin Erdmann
Working period: October 2017 – March 2018
Used software: Unity3D
My fields of responsibility: Conceptual Design/Game System Design, Programming, Project Management

My Tasks
During this time I learned so much about code structure, encapsulation and so many more things. I worked with .json and we used them to read and save information in them.
Polishing the game was also a big point during my internship. I animated lots of different UI elements and whole screens, i.e. the result screen after a finished session. This helped me a lot to understand how UI and UX should work.