Play Recook! Create an unforgettable recipe with your friends!
Project Facts
Recook is a local VR multiplayer, made in 3 weeks.
Your friends cook an awesome meal in VR and YOU have to imitate it!
Remember the ingredients by listening and watching carefully what your friend uses.
Recook it in the right order and add one new fabulous condiment to refine the recipe. Use everything you can find! Then it’s your friends turn to repeat the cooking,
This works as long as every cook can remember the sequence. The longer it gets, the higher the score!
This game was part of my fourth semester. Our team were 3 students from the HTW Berlin and we worked 3 weeks on this game.
Team members: Marie, Lenja, Alex
Working period: July 2017
Used software: Unity3D, Photoshop, SteamVR, HTC Vive
My fields of responsibility: Artstyle Creation , Game System Design, Programming
My Tasks
Prototyping/Conceptual Design | Game System Design | Programming | Artstyle Creation | Unity Implementation
Recook could be my most important project so far. We only had 3 weeks for everything and we were 3 people. We used little time to define the concept, because our focus was on the implementation. So the gameplay itself is pretty simple but that is also the reason lots of different people with unique gaming (or non-gaming) backgrounds could play this game.
Our workflows and weeks were strictly planned, but that was the reason we achieved so much. In addition we had no crunshtime! Everything worked really well and I learned a lot during these 3 weeks. I use my experiences till now to plan my work and distribute tasks.
It was also my first time working with VR and it was so full of new experiences. I would like to work with VR in the future.
Our workflows and weeks were strictly planned, but that was the reason we achieved so much. In addition we had no crunshtime! Everything worked really well and I learned a lot during these 3 weeks. I use my experiences till now to plan my work and distribute tasks.
It was also my first time working with VR and it was so full of new experiences. I would like to work with VR in the future.